Thursday, September 10, 2015

14 months

14 months

You love to:
"Sing" to music
Play with shoes
Point to everything 
Rocking in your rocking chair

You say: 
One morning you said immediately stood up in your crib and said "bite?!" Guess u woke up hungry :)
Baah "L"
Dooka(you say this all day and I don't know what it means;) 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

First Birthday party!

We had your first birthday at the Fergusons. You got lots of new toys and and seemed to have a good time! I decided not to do any type of theme this year other than the number "1."
We had BBQ, cupcakes, cookies, ice cream and candy. I think you had a great first birthday:) 

So precious!! 

Thursday, August 6, 2015

12 months

Say mama dada bye bye baba uh oh 
You started walking about 3 days after your first birthday. I got to see your first steps and it was presh. You had a good first birthday party! You are still taking 2 naps a day but the am nap is getting longer and the afternoon nap shorter I've noticed. You are sleeping till about 7:30 am now. Sometimes you go to sleep at 8 and sometimes you will stay up a little longer with us. You are still pretty flexible at this point. You are in size 4 diapers now and have quickly gone to 12month clothes. You have definately gained a little weight lately. You eat everything we eat and I haven't found too much you don't like. You drink regular milk now and are learning to drink out of a sippy cup. You still don't really understand using a straw, ha. You got a lot of fun new toys for your birthday and love them. Your favorite toy at the moment is your little laptop and monster trucks. You have 9 teeth now.
You are getting a cute little alfalfa hair do on top. I love you so much and I can't remember not having you. I can't believe you are one. It went by so fast. You are a sweet, sweet baby. 

Saturday, July 18, 2015


We went to the Dalombas Monday. I had no clue Bo could even climb stairs. I turn the corner to see this. Best buds on a mission! 
Bo loves to play with balls right now. 
Tuesday we had a shower for Alicia and Ellie. 
 Thursday Bo and I decided to have a mall day. We had lunch in the food court and did a little shopping! 
Bo will be ONE next week. We have a busy weekend ahead with his party Saturday and then IMPACT next week. 
Can't believe this time is upon me! How can it be?!

Friday, July 17, 2015


The only thing I really remember about this week is that Hunter and I had a fun date night. Mrs Judi asked if bo could stay the night and I know he had a great time with them. Hunter and I went to eat and then stayed up late talking at IHOP. We then got up early to go to goodwill/yardsales, ha. Then we headed to senatobia to spend the day with family. 

I also did a little redecorating. 


We went to see Hunters grandparents to visit. Bo admiring his new outfit! 


The only pic of the week. Aunt Julie came to babysit for a few hours and introduced Bo to chicken in a biskit! Ha ha he loves her. 

Thursday, July 16, 2015


Hunter celebrated his first Father's Day!

Victoria and Carter came in town for a little while and we went to Swankys. 
We also had VBS every night this week, we have definately been busy. 


We made Hunter a frame for his office:) 

Bo played with Grace and got his first wagon. 

Just standing up! 


This week I babysat Luke & Claire. 
We played with the Mays. 
So precious!
Do u see how spoiled? Just eating my Cheerios;) 


Sometimes I let Bo get in the front seat with me to cool off before we drive somewhere. He thinks it's cool. 
I joined the YMCA which has a nursery and has worked out well for both of us. 
We got to see Gable and Lund. 
First time eating a Banaba cookie. Terrible mistake to let him eat this in Walmart! Yikes! 
We had breakfast as a family Saturday morning and then went goodwill/yardsale shopping. 
Could this be cuter? Great goodwill find 
We also bought Bo a pool and let him play while we sat outside. 


Monday, Hunter had to study for exams, so I spent the evening with the Dalombas.

We went to a redbirds game with Seth and Emily.
Wednesday, Haley organized Drug Court graduation for the city of Jackson and we were all able to go and support her. I was very proud. 

Thursday night, I helped with a shower at church. Bo just played and played while I set up everything.
Over the weekend, we want to Heathers baby shower. Can't wait for sweet Noah 


Loves daddy!

This weekend, Bo and I went to a retirement party for Marilyn, I've worked with her since my first day. She will be missed! 

"Helping" me fold clothes