Thursday, August 28, 2014

Bo's birth 7-15-14 (Part 1)

Well, my due date (July 13) rolled around and Bo had not arrived. I had an induction scheduled for Tuesday July 15th but on Monday morning I got a call that my doctor had a death in the family and would not be able to do my induction until Wednesday. I was so disappointed but of course I understood. I text friends and family and let them know no baby till Wednesday. Hunter came home for lunch and said he was gonna take a quick nap. Shortly after, (1:30pm) my water broke! I wasn't too positive so I called a work friend and she assured me I needed to get to the hospital. I took a quick shower and fixed my hair, then I woke Hunter up and told him. We got checked in around 3. I was so excited!!!! I really didn't want to be induced with my first baby. I was so thankful. They got me started on pitocin and then began the waiting.

We waited till around dinner to tell our families because I didn't want them to have to wait sooo long. I knew they would come straight to the hospital. Well-they still waited soo long, ha! All of our family members got to the hospital at 11pm and slept in the lobby all night. They were a little excited:) Around midnight I got my epidural. I tried to sleep but I was way too excited. I had such wonderful nurses. The next morning at 7, Pam came on shift. I was so excited, I had asked her if she would be my delivery nurse and she was so wonderful. 
Around 7:30 she said it was almost time! I quickly put on a little make-up and tried to fix up;) I started pushing around 8:45 and at 10:11 Bo was born! The very first thing I thought was "he's so little!" 7lbs 1oz. They quickly took him over to the warmer and Hunter walked over to take pictures. We both were crying by this point and cried for a while. What a wonderful experience! While they were weighing Bo, Hunter walked back over to me and showed me this picture.

That picture will always be special to me!! So surreal! He was finally here! 

            This is one of my favorite pictures. Bo gave us a "smile"

After a couple of hours, they put me in a wheelchair and I headed up to postpartum.

            Our families were anxiously awaiting in the lobby!





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