Monday we did nothing really. I was really tired for some reason and I just hung out at the house. I put Bo in his walker, HA! Maybe a little soon.
Tuesday, Patrick and Amanda came over for dinner. Bo and Luke are about 8 weeks apart. Glad he will have another little boy his age at church.
Thursday, Samantha had Josie! She had her at Methodist were I work. I went to see them and took Bo up to my work for the first time. I enjoyed seeing everyone and so did he:) I have about 3 weeks before I start back work, but I'm so happy I am actually getting to move into a PRN position! This was always my hope/plan after having a baby. After leaving the hospital, we got to have lunch with MIMI.
Bo was in the best mood that day!
Im a little paranoid about Bo being old at night so he sleeps like an eskimo. (our house is cold)
Friday, we spent the night in Tunica with the Van Everys. We went to Easton and Vances football game and got to see a lot of people we haven't seen since Hunter resigned from LP.
Abby said his head needed to be bundled up too! This pic cracks me up. Bo had a late night.
This morning we went to Reid and Grace's Birthday party. Ive been to all their parties and they are always fun!
Tonight we went to a bonfire at church. Bo and I didn't stay long cause it was cold and he was tired. I tried to make his newborn hat fit and it looks like he needs a new one for winter;) I better get started!
Now Bo is sound asleep and I'm catching up on Americas next top model till hunter gets home:)
I'm glad you are blogging!! You'll love getting to read back over these & remember all the little things you did. ;)