Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Scouts Birth

Well, this was a lot different than my delivery with Bo. I was 39 weeks and I had been crazy busy. I waited until I was 37 weeks to work on Scouts nursery and then decided to make Bo a big boy room. Trying to cram all of that into 2 weeks was a mistake! However, in no way surprising for me. Hunter and I had not been able to have much time alone, so we planned a date night. We decided to go to my Dr appt together, and then head off on our date night, while Bo stayed with my inlaws. Well, the plans quickly changed. I went into my Dr appt at 1:30.  When I got there my BP was a little high. I didn't have any symptoms and felt pretty good. The Dr went to check me out said she thought I was pretty close to delivering. She was also a little worried about my blood pressure. She said "let's just check it again" I laughed and knew It would be through the roof at this point because I was not prepared to have Scout that day! Sure enough, it was a lot higher and she sent me on to the hospital.

I went home to get my things first...if I said I didn't try to clean up
A little I would be lying,ha! I text my friend to tell her I was headed to the hospital. We had been taking for months about her being my delivery RN. I was so excited she was able to come in for me. I got to the hospital around 4pm. I had no pain at all for hours. I was texting friend and family and even posting. On Facebook.
I sent a text at 8:58 saying I wasn't hurting yet and didn't feel like I needed the epidural. I knew I wanted one, but I was doing fine. About 15 min later I started hurting a lot. I waited a few min and hunter went to get the pizza he had ordered, haha! He came back from the lobby and I had progressed, just in the last 15 min. The anestsiologist was in my room
And I was praying she was going to get the epidural in quickly! She completely my epidural placement at 9:52 (per the RN) and Scout was born at 9:56! I didnt have time to think much less time for the epidural to start working! My Doctor barely made it, and I was kinda in shock for a little while after. I was not expecting that quickly!! Scout weighted 7lb3oz. Hunter cried a lot, we have talked about the delivery so much. He said he was crying because he was worried about me, and then because he was happy she was born. Ha! It was really sweet and he did a great job. I'll just say I plan to get my epidural the minute I get to the hospital next time!

I stayed in l&d for 3 hours because I got too dizzy and couldn't get out of bed. The very same thing happened with bo. However, this time it took THREE tries to get in a wheelchair before I could make it,ha. My blood pressure ended up being ok, and so did everything else. Scout was perfect and healthy and just ready to make her debut. around 1am I headed up to post Partum. I was so exhausted but didn't sleep one wink. It wasn't that bad though. I love having a baby, being in the hospital and being a patient on the floor where I work. It's kinda fun having all your work friends take care of u and your baby! Scout did great and slept in the room with us.

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