Saturday, July 18, 2015


We went to the Dalombas Monday. I had no clue Bo could even climb stairs. I turn the corner to see this. Best buds on a mission! 
Bo loves to play with balls right now. 
Tuesday we had a shower for Alicia and Ellie. 
 Thursday Bo and I decided to have a mall day. We had lunch in the food court and did a little shopping! 
Bo will be ONE next week. We have a busy weekend ahead with his party Saturday and then IMPACT next week. 
Can't believe this time is upon me! How can it be?!

Friday, July 17, 2015


The only thing I really remember about this week is that Hunter and I had a fun date night. Mrs Judi asked if bo could stay the night and I know he had a great time with them. Hunter and I went to eat and then stayed up late talking at IHOP. We then got up early to go to goodwill/yardsales, ha. Then we headed to senatobia to spend the day with family. 

I also did a little redecorating. 


We went to see Hunters grandparents to visit. Bo admiring his new outfit! 


The only pic of the week. Aunt Julie came to babysit for a few hours and introduced Bo to chicken in a biskit! Ha ha he loves her. 

Thursday, July 16, 2015


Hunter celebrated his first Father's Day!

Victoria and Carter came in town for a little while and we went to Swankys. 
We also had VBS every night this week, we have definately been busy. 


We made Hunter a frame for his office:) 

Bo played with Grace and got his first wagon. 

Just standing up! 


This week I babysat Luke & Claire. 
We played with the Mays. 
So precious!
Do u see how spoiled? Just eating my Cheerios;) 


Sometimes I let Bo get in the front seat with me to cool off before we drive somewhere. He thinks it's cool. 
I joined the YMCA which has a nursery and has worked out well for both of us. 
We got to see Gable and Lund. 
First time eating a Banaba cookie. Terrible mistake to let him eat this in Walmart! Yikes! 
We had breakfast as a family Saturday morning and then went goodwill/yardsale shopping. 
Could this be cuter? Great goodwill find 
We also bought Bo a pool and let him play while we sat outside. 


Monday, Hunter had to study for exams, so I spent the evening with the Dalombas.

We went to a redbirds game with Seth and Emily.
Wednesday, Haley organized Drug Court graduation for the city of Jackson and we were all able to go and support her. I was very proud. 

Thursday night, I helped with a shower at church. Bo just played and played while I set up everything.
Over the weekend, we want to Heathers baby shower. Can't wait for sweet Noah 


Loves daddy!

This weekend, Bo and I went to a retirement party for Marilyn, I've worked with her since my first day. She will be missed! 

"Helping" me fold clothes 

Ferguson family vacay (41)

Bo was so spoiled this week getting to hang with nana and pap! 

Red bar with Curt and Julie 

Can't wait for next year!