Friday, January 27, 2017

19 months

Second sentence -"get sine coffee"
"I need more"
"I want orange" 
"Get dat ball" 

Still obsessed with food. Your first word almost every morning in your crib is cookie. One night u woke up at 4 am and your dad said listen to what he is were of course yelling cookie! At 4am!

The weather is getting warmer so u like to play outside. You love chalk and your car u got for Christmas. You know your numbers 1-10 and are learning your letters. 

You do not understand the meaning of "ok?" And use it in the funniest ways 
You finally understand the meaning of hide and seek and no longer just stand in the doorway staring at me

18 months!

(This was when I pulled up from work one day) 
A whole year and a half! Wow I can't believe it. You are more fun than ever and I don't know what I ever did without you. You said your first 3 word sentence this past week. "I love u." Sweetest words I've ever heard! You repeat everything and it's hilarious. You have started saying double words like "hold me" and "get ball" You have started to say "cook?!" Which means you want to sit on the counter and eat whatever I'm making. Haha. You go to the pantry 10 times a day and ask for "lunch" (you call most food lunch. You love to read books and I finally made you a toy room. You love to play with cars and blocks but your favorite is still balls. You got a slide from Julie and you play with it every day. You are learning your numbers and you clap when you get one right. Ha Your little personality is starting to show. You are pretty laid back & find the simplest things amusing. You ask to be rocked at night and you always want me to sing to u. You say "sunshine" which is your favorite song. I could go on writing forever. I love our days together and I am so glad you are my sweet son. 

13 months

Bo you are 13 months old! I am so behind on blogging but these are the things I saved. You are saying these words now:
Say "moo" "woof woof"
You now have 9 teeth, you are walking well and you FINALLY clapped. I have been trying to teach you since u were 5 months old! Ha. You also started dancing to music this month.